Friday, 12 October 2012

Boat Trip - Talikud Island

We took a bit of a boat trip out to Talikud Island, near Davao City. The sights were fantastic!

These guys were using a carabao (water buffalo) to drag new outrigger poles up onto the beach to dry out before being attached to the boat.

Preparing the pig for tomorrow's feast - "lechon", a whole roast pig, is a national speciality.

A quick glimpse of the Davao shoreline with squatter huts out over the water and the 5-star Marco Polo Hotel in the background.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Davao - Santa Ana Wharf

Davao - Bankerohan Public Market

And a few pics from travels in and around Davao in the past few days.

This first set is from Bankerohan Public Market. Don't miss the cell phone charging on top of the pig snouts! :)


So, I've moved to the Philippines... I love Winnipeg but for the next while posts will be coming in from my new home in Davao City. This first set, though, is from Manila where we spent some time on the way.

Sunday, 20 May 2012


We spent some time this afternoon at the ruins of the Trappist monastery in St Norbert on the southern edge of Winnipeg.

The ruins and the surrounding grounds are beautiful. I'm sure I haven't done them justice but here are a few photos we took today.

These next three I was experimenting with HDR ("High Dynamic Range") where you take 3 photos at different exposures and create a composite to bring out the maximum detail for each one. I think I'll need to play with it a bit more but I was impressed at how much detail I could get despite the harsh contrast.

And, finally, a quintessential Manitoba sight. 

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Sunday Afternoon in Assiniboine Park

Today the sun was shining, there was a pleasant breeze and the mercury got up to 27ÂșC! So, like true Winnipegers we headed to Assiniboine Park to enjoy the afternoon. Apparently, so did everybody else.

At first we planned to go to the zoo but this was the line to get in one hour before the gates closed!

Lots of people at the duck pond and around the rest of the park!

Some sort of water beetle doing the backstroke.

My wife having fun taking pictures.

The tulips seemed to be the main attraction in the English Garden today.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Foggy Morning

I woke up this morning and looked outside... only to find there wasn't an outside to look at!

I grabbed my camera and took a few shots off the balcony before it cleared.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Flammable Winnipeg

From the recent Albert Street fire (two buildings down from my office):

And, from the fire near the Forks the other day:

And, finally, for all of you Instagram users who can't post a photo without applying every possible filter to it, labouring under the tragic misapprehension that you are creating something artistic.... ;)